Monday, October 26, 2020

More evidence that WhatsApp's next killer feature is nearly here

You'll soon be able to use your WhatsApp account on more than one device at once, and we've now had an early look at how the interface might look.

Back in June, the experts at WABetaInfo, who specialize in trawling through beta releases of WhatsApp for signs of forthcoming features, discovered signs that mutli-device support was coming soon, and now the same researchers have found a new menu that illustrates how the feature is likely to work on a desktop.

Once the new feature is rolled out, you'll be able to log into WhatsApp for web or desktop, then open the 'Settings' menu and select 'Use WhatsApp on other devices'. Here, you'll be able to see a list of all the devices on which your WhatsApp account is currently being used (much like you can in your Google account settings).

If you want to log out of a particular device (or you can see one you don't recognize), just tap it once to log out of it remotely.

The more, the merrier

Multi-device support isn't yet available for testing, but if you want to be first to try it once it's released, you'll need to join one of WhatsApp's beta programs.

Unfortunately the program for Apple devices is currently full, though it's worth keeping an eye on the Testflight page to see if a space opens up.

To join the beta program for Android, visit the WhatsApp Beta page on Google Play and enter your details. If you already have the public version of WhatsApp installed, it will be updated to the beta version automatically within a few hours.


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