A fan on Twitter has posited that Loki episode 1 briefly featured a cameo from Agent Peggy Carter, the character from the Captain America movies and her own spin-off TV show played by actress Hayley Atwell. Honestly, it's probably not that character, but it's true that this figure superficially resembles Atwell's MCU hero – head to the 34 minute and 12 second mark on Disney Plus if you want to see it for yourself, ideally on the largest TV possible. For everyone else, you can just watch it on Twitter below (thanks to our sister site GamesRadar for picking out this one): #loki spoilers...PEGGY ? PEGGY CARTER ? pic.twitter.com/1gvugWOBQdJune 9, 2021 As it's been pointed out, though, Atwell does not feature in the credits for this episode, so the possibility seems remote. Generally speaking, it would be great to know more about some of the other inmates at the TVA, and to learn about the types of crimes they've been committing. But we don't really get any of that in episode 1, since the show's version of Loki is the focus of the episode. If the prisoner is Agent Carter, presumably we'll see that addressed in a future episode. Here's what we think, though: it's slightly too subtle to be an Easter egg, and we don't think Marvel would use anyone other than Atwell to portray the character. Wouldn't they make a bigger deal about briefly featuring an MCU figure with a decade of on-screen history? We think so. Still, it was fun while it lasted. Want a wild theory on how Agent Carter could wind up in the hands of the TVA? Keep reading to follow us into the garden of madness. "Space. Time. Reality. It's more than a linear path." That's the tagline to the upcoming animated Marvel anthology series What If...?, which will feature MCU actors voicing their characters in alternate universe situations. The most high-profile episode teased so far shows Peggy becoming a Super Soldier – and taking what would've been Steve Rogers' role, this time as a Captain Britain-style character. Now: what got Loki busted by the TVA? Messing around with the Tesseract, and escaping with it in the era of the 2012 Avengers movie when he wasn't supposed to – an alternate sequence of events as depicted by Avengers: Endgame. The TVA's job is to preserve the sacred timeline, which is why they arrest Loki and stop him upsetting the fabric of reality. So, bear with us on this – we know that Steve's journey in The First Avenger brought him up against the Red Skull, who wields the Tesseract in the '40s. What if, this version of Agent Carter procured the Tesseract from the villain, and started experimenting with it herself? That could be one way she ends up being busted by the TVA – it would be a fairly novel nod back to Or, most likely: this was an extra who just happened to look distractingly like Hayley Atwell. New episodes of Loki release every Wednesday on Disney Plus.
Analysis: Enjoy this wild theory that's probably incorrect
source https://www.techradar.com/news/did-loki-just-feature-an-agent-carter-cameo/
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