Wednesday, June 16, 2021

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate gets Kayuza from Tekken

Yes, it's really happening. During the E3 2021 Nintendo Direct, a new trailer revealed that Kayuza from the Tekken franchise is coming to Super Smash. Bros Ultimate on Nintendo Switch. The trailer showed a bit of gameplay, as well as Kayuza tossing Ganondorf and others into a volcano. Naturally, Kirby was able to float away. 

With this latest addition to the Super Smash Bros. Ultimate DLC lineup, players will soon have another seasoned fighter to choose from. During the presentation, Smash Bros. director Sakurai confirmed that Kayuza will retain several iconic moves from the Tekken games, including the Sternum Smash, Jumping Sobat, Dragon Uppercut, Tombstone Crusher, Gates of Hell and Demon God Fist.

More information on just how Kayuza will play in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate will be revealed during a dedicated stream on June 28, 2021. 

Who is next?

The list of characters in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate is continuing to grow but who will be next after Kayuza? There's one character left to be revealed in the second pass. 

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate first launched in December 2018, with several characters added across two different passes since. The game has sold over 23 million copies since launch. 


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